Beekeepeng and tourist farm Šalamun, Banovci
We are very known bee-keepers in our area – Prlekija. My father has started working with bees over 30 years ago. We have expanded our offer of honey, honey wine and honey liqueur on our beekeeping farm and we are trying to collect Propolis, Gelle-Royale – Queen-bee-food, flowers pollen and plenty more.
The combined use of bee products has proven to be a very good preventive from modern diseases like cancer, stroke or it simply reduces the stress. This knowledge is known also as Apipreventative or Apiterapy (regular use and with bee stings against reuma). Honey is much better food for healthy life than sugar.

On our farm you can try to be a bee-keeper yourself. In this case we will dress you up and do not forger to bring your camera along. On our special occasions we are going to harvest honey too. This is our special offer.